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Yard and Garden

Plants and Shrubs 

Plant Drought-Resistant and desert native plants.  Native plants will use less water and be more resistant to local plant diseases.  Consider applying the principles of xeriscape for a low-maintenance, drought resistant yard.  Plant slopes with plants that will retain water and help reduce runoff.  Group plants according to their watering needs.  Learn more about which plants do well in our are by visiting the High Desert AWAC Plant Search, hosted by the City of Victorville.


Put a Layer of Mulch Around Trees and Plants
Mulch will slow evaporation of moisture while discouraging weed growth. Adding 2 – 4 inches of organic material such as compost or bark mulch will increase the ability of the soil to retain moisture. Press the mulch down around the drip line of each plant to form a slight depression, which will prevent or minimize water runoff.
Remember!  The District gives away FREE mulch.  Visit our office today.


Maintain Your Irrigation System
If you use an irrigation system, check that it’s operating correctly toward the beginning and end of each season. Clear any visible clogs, and adjust the settings according to the needs of your plants and the time of year. Plants will need less water in cooler weather and more in hotter weather, and correct settings will not only save water but ensure that plants are getting the right amounts. Also be sure the timer waters in the morning to reduce loss to evaporation and prevent moisture from staying on plants overnight.
Position Sprinklers and Drip Carefully
Position your sprinklers so water lands on the lawn or garden, not on paved areas. Also, avoid watering on windy days.
Use Efficient Watering Systems
You can greatly reduce the amount of water used for shrubs, plants, and trees by installing a simple drip-irrigation system.  For trees and woody shrubs, deep water with slow delivery irrigation.  Be sure to avoid over-watering plants and shrubs, since this can diminish plant health and cause yellowing of the leaves.  When hand watering, use a variable spray nozzle with a shut off for targeted watering.
Plant in 'Hydro-Zones' to Maximize Water Use
Grouping plants with similar water needs means you won’t be wasting water on plants that don’t need it. Keep your water-wise and xeriscaped plants together, and do likewise with thirstier plants. Water only certain zones regularly, while watering drought-tolerant plantings less frequently.
Control Weeds to Reduce Competition for Water in the Garden
Weeds use water, too! If you don’t weed, the garden invaders will take up water meant for your plants. A good layer of mulch around your plants not only conserves soil moisture but helps keep weeds under control.
Water During the Early Parts of the Day; Avoid Watering When It Is Windy
Early morning is generally better than dusk since it helps prevent the growth of fungus. Early watering and late watering also reduce water loss to evaporation. Watering early in the day is also the best defense against slugs and other garden pests. Try not to water when it’s windy: wind can blow sprinklers off target and speed evaporation. An automated watering system with a built-in moisture sensor can help ensure you’re only watering when necessary and at the most efficient time of day. If you’re using a timer, consider adding a rain or moisture sensor to avoid watering unnecessarily.

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